How to Overcome Challenges Affecting Consulting Businesses in Kenya

Are you searching for success tips on navigating the complex consulting business environment in Kenya? In this simplified guide, we will explore secrets of overcoming the ten most common mistakes affecting consulting business in Africa.

Running a consulting firm can both be a rewarding and challenging endeavor. As an advisor, you will help organizations and individuals to solve their daily problems, improve operations, and achieve their goals. However, on the other hand you will be facing similar pitfalls such as cashflow problems, inefficiencies or high employee turnover.

As outlined in this guide, learn some of the key challenges your peer consultants have faced, and how they are overcoming them them. They relate to marketing; (market research, segmentation, pricing), business planning, business communication, operations and differentiation

Lack of Market Research

Information is power. Failure to conduct a proper market research is a costly mistakes for any business. One can help you to understand your target market, its customers and their needs. Without this information, you risk offering services that are not in demand or fail to address your client problems satisfactorily. Besides, you may get it wrong in other aspects such as pricing, advertising or approaches

To avoid this mistake, conduct a thorough market research. You can do it before starting your consulting business. Use surveys, interviews, and other research methods to gather information about your target market, competitors, and industry trends.

Repeat the process frequently to gather latest data. You can outsource or do it online for more valuable information.

Failure to Define Your Market Niche

Consulting is a broad field. Without a clear niche, you risk appearing unfocused or inexperienced Jack of all trades and master of none. Your clients expect you to have specialized knowledge and skills in a specific area such as IT or finance. When you define you niche, its easy to focus and specialize in all its aspects. You will thus provide high quality results.

To define settle on the best consulting business idea or niche, focus on your skills, expertise, and market demand. Choose an area that you are passionate about and that has significant profitability and growth potential.

Inadequate Business Planning

A business plan is a compass and a road map to help you in achieving your business vision. It has many benefits like helping you to define your goals, strategy, target market, competition, and financial projections. Without a solid business plan, you risk making erratic decisions that are not aligned with your long-term mission.

For effective business planning, write a detailed business plan for your consulting business. You can use templates, guides, and resources to help you develop a a practical plan that includes all the essential components.

Its good to review and update your business plan periodically to capture new opportunities and remain relevant.

Failure to Network

Have you heard that your network is your net worth? Networking is a critical success factor in the consulting industry. Your ability to build relationships with potential clients, mentors, and influencers that can make or break your consulting business. Without a robust network, you risk missing out on valuable opportunities and referrals.

To network as a pro, invest time and effort in building your network. Attend industry events, and join professional business associations such as KEPSA. Finally, connect with peers and influencers on social media.

Poor Pricing Strategy

Pricing is the key determiner for profits in your consulting business. The right pricing strategy can attract more customers for your services. Underpricing or overpricing can affordability thus harming your profitability and reputation.

A winning pricing strategy can help you to recoup your service provision costs. win competition, and market value proposition.

You should consider offering different pricing models, such as hourly rates, project fees, or retainer agreements.

Inadequate Marketing

Marketing is the only method you can use to attract and retain customers. Neglecting or using ineffective marketing tactics can reduce your profits over time. Borrowing from the traditional marketing mix, here is how to successfully market your consulting business in Kenya

Marketing PDetailsYour Strategy
Product (Service)These are the intangible and knowledge-based services, such as strategic planning, financial analysis, management consulting, IT consulting, or any other specialized expertise. Clearly define and communicate the specific consulting services you provide, highlighting what sets your firm apart from competitors.
Price: Consultancies typically use various pricing models, such as hourly rates, fixed fees, project-based pricing, or retainer agreements.Your competitive pricing should reflect the value you provide, your level of expertise, the complexity of the projects, and your target market’s willingness to pay.

Place (Distribution):
You may reach your clients in an office or online through your website, social media, networking, industry events, or partnerships with other businessesAn essential aspect is to establish a strong online presence and engage in effective networking.
PromotionConvey your expertise, experience, and the benefits of working with your consultancy through content marketing, social media marketing, SEO, email campaigns, public speaking, webinars, whitepapers, case studies, and testimonials. Building a strong reputation and credibility in your field is key to successful promotion in consulting.
A summary of successful marketing tips for consultants

Lack of Business Processes

Consulting operations can be complex and many. They include activities, such as client acquisition, project management, and invoicing. Inefficient operations or poor business processes can lead to business failure. You can face some risks including losing track of your tasks, failing to meet deadlines, and losing money.

To improve and automate your business processes, start by developing business manuals, policies and procedures, These should clearly outline your internal and external service level agreements (SLAs) and your standard operating procedures (SOPs).

Invest in tools and other software that automate and streamline your business processes. Your options include project management software, time tracking tools, and invoicing software.

Poor Business Communication

In consulting business, there is a strong emphasis on relationship-building, trust, and referrals. Professional communication informs your client on progress, challenges you may be facing to create value from your engagement. poor business communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and dissatisfaction.

To improve on client communication, set in place some clear and regular communication avenues with your clients. It can include the inception, progress and closure meetings and reports.

The best practice in consulting communication is use of results monitoring and evaluation system. It outlines the frequency, methods, and response times. it will keep your clients informed about project progress, milestones, and deliverables.

Lack of Flexibility

The consulting industry is constantly evolving, and clients’ needs and expectations can change quickly. Many entrepreneurs make the mistake of being inflexible or resistant to change, leading to missed opportunities and lost clients.

Investing in research and development (R&D) can make your consulting business successful. you will continuously assess your business model, services, and processes and make necessary adjustments to meet the evolving market and client needs. It will inform you to new ideas and approaches and help you adjust accordingly.

Overreliance on a Single Client or Industry

It can be profitable to specialize on a single skill or sector. However, this strategy can be risky and limiting, if a challenge occurs. Diversifying your client base and services is how you overcome this risk.

Investing in R&D will help you to explore new industries, niches, and markets. You can expand your business to explore those ideas thus reducing your dependence on a single client or industry.


Starting a consulting business in Kenya can be a fulfilling and lucrative venture, but it requires careful planning, strategy, and execution. This post has highlighted ten common mistakes you are likely to face. As a bonus, the guide has success tips to overcome each risk.

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