5 Profitable Side Hustles You Can Start Without Money

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Looking to start a side hustle in Kenya without any upfront investment?

In this blog post, we will explore four profitable small businesses that you can start without putting any money upfront. They are virtual assistant (VA), teaching English online, becoming a skills trainer, and offering personal fitness coaching. Whether you’re looking to make some extra cash or considering a full-time career change, starting any of these side hustles is a great option

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With the right skills and dedication, these side hustles can become lucrative ventures that bring in a steady income. Learn more below!

1. Virtual Assistant

The demand for virtual assistants is on the rise globally, making it a perfect opportunity to start your own business.

Virtual assistants play a vital role in helping businesses operate smoothly. They are a big portion of the digital workforce. They offer a wide range of services remotely such as email and calendar management, bookkeeping, and customer support. Depending on the services you offer, your location, and the payment structure, you can earn a substantial income as a virtual assistant. As a virtual assistant, you will enjoy a flexible work schedule and the ability to work from anywhere.

Virtual assistance is a profitable side hustle. It provides the freedom and financial stability you desire.

2. Teach English Online

Did you know that over 72% of the world’s population doesn’t speak English?

This creates a huge demand for online English teachers. If you have a strong command of the English language, you can make millions of money by teaching English online. With platforms like VIPKid and Qkids, an English online tutor can earn between $10-$40 per hour. Some teachers can make over $550 per week. Additionally, websites like Skillshare offer classes for freelancers and entrepreneurs to learn new skills, including how to start a successful online course.

Whether you have a teaching background or not, teaching English online can be a rewarding and lucrative side hustle.

3. Become a Skills Trainer

Have a unique hobby, skill, or talent? Why not turn it into a profitable side hustle?

Whether you’re a fantastic cook, skilled dancer, fitness enthusiast, self-defense expert, or social media guru, you can offer your services as a skills trainer. You can teach in-person or online, depending on your comfort level and target audience. Packaging yourself and your skills is essential. Consider creating a website or utilizing social media platforms to showcase your offerings.

With the right marketing strategy, you can turn your passion into a thriving small business.

4. Personal Fitness Coaching

If you have a passion for fitness and enjoy helping others, consider offering personal fitness coaching as a profitable side hustle.

Millions of people are looking for mentors, guidance, and accountability when it comes to their health and wellness journey. As a personal fitness coach, you can charge around $20 per session. You can work with clients either in person or virtually. Market yourself effectively on social media platforms, Google listing, and LinkedIn service pages. to attract potential clients.

With dedication and a client-centered approach, you can build a successful personal fitness coaching business.

5. Resume & Cover Letter Writing

Online Resume writing services on behalf of job seekers can be a profitable side hustle.

To excel in this field, research the job requirements and industry practice to tailor resumes accordingly. Depending on the complexity of the work and the specific needs of your clients, you can charge up to $700 per resume. Online platforms like Upwork, People Per Hour, and Fiverr provide excellent opportunities to reach potential clients. Use these platforms to showcase your skills and attract individuals actively seeking resume writing assistance.

By offering high-quality services, you can establish a successful resume-writing business.


Starting a small business with no money is very possible in Kenya.

You can choose to become a virtual assistant, teach English online, offer skills training, or provide personal fitness coaching. These side hustles can become profitable ventures that bring in a steady income if well managed.

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Packaging yourself and marketing your services is necessary to attract clients. Invest in continuous improvement of your skills to stand out in a competitive market. So, take the leap and start building your own business today!

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