The best 5 Tax planning strategies in Kenya

Woman using computer at workplace table, monitor screen with graphic text on screen: Small Business Tax Credits

Tax planning is not just about crunching numbers and filing returns; it’s a strategic approach to manage your finances smartly. Whether you’re a seasoned investor, a small business owner, or an individual taxpayer, mastering the art of tax planning can unlock a world of opportunities for financial success and prosperity.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into types, strategies and goals of tax planning in Kenya. You will also explore how each can help you to reduce your tax liabilities , generating wealth or making tax savings on your business and individual taxes.

Which are the best 5 Tax planning Strategies?

Looking for the best strategies to use in managing your taxes over the longterm? The best tax planning framework is the 5Ds strategy according to the best tax consultants. It includes tactics in Deducting, Deferring, Dividing, Disguising, and Dodging tax burden. Here are these strategies in detail. Remner to Consult with tax professionals to ensure compliance with relevant tax laws and regulations.


Deducting involves identifying and claiming tax credits and deductions that you may have overlooked in the past. Many taxpayers miss out on valuable credits simply because they are unaware of their eligibility. By conducting a thorough review of your finances and tax laws, you can uncover opportunities to claim credits for expenses such as education, healthcare, or energy-efficient upgrades to your home. Leveraging these deductions can significantly reduce your taxable income and lower your overall tax bill. Keep detailed records to support your deductions and minimize tax liabilities.


Deferring taxes allows you to postpone paying taxes on income until a future date. This strategy is particularly beneficial if you expect your income to be lower in the future or if you anticipate favorable changes in tax laws. Common techniques for deferring taxes include;

  • Contributing to retirement accounts such as IRAs or 401(k)s,
  • Deferring capital gains by utilizing like-kind exchanges
  • Delaying the recognition of income from certain types of investments.

By deferring taxes, you can effectively increase your cash flow in the present while potentially reducing your tax liability in the future.


Dividing income among family members can help optimize your overall tax burden. By transferring income from individuals in higher tax brackets to those in lower brackets, you can reduce the overall amount of taxes your family owes. This can be accomplished through strategies such as;

  • Income splitting, where income-generating assets are transferred to family members with lower incomes.
  • Utilize income-shifting techniques such as;
    • Hiring family members in your business.
    • Establish family trusts to distribute income among family members
    • Gifting assets to children or grandchildren.

Careful planning and coordination are essential to ensure compliance with tax laws and maximize the benefits of income division.


Disguising income involves structuring your finances to convert taxable income into forms that are subject to lower tax rates or are tax-exempt altogether. This can be achieved through various means, such as investing in tax-efficient investment vehicles like municipal bonds, taking advantage of tax-deferred retirement accounts, or utilizing tax-free savings vehicles like Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) or Roth IRAs. Additionally, structuring business transactions to optimize the timing and characterization of income can also help minimize tax liabilities legally.


Dodging taxes, when done legally and ethically, involves arranging your affairs in a way that reduces or eliminates certain tax obligations altogether. This may include methods such as.

  • Tax-Advantaged Investments: Invest in assets or vehicles that offer tax advantages, such as qualified dividends, municipal bonds, or real estate investments with tax benefits like depreciation.
  • Tax Planning Structures: Implement tax planning structures such as trusts, partnerships, or corporate entities to legally minimize taxable income or defer tax obligations.

While tax dodging may carry negative connotations, engaging in proactive tax planning to legally minimize taxes is a fundamental right of taxpayers and an essential component of sound financial management.

2 Types of Tax Planning

Financial services specialized in tax planning

There are 2 common methods of tax planning in practice by a small business owners, or individual taxpayers. They are delaying income to future tax periods or bringing forward taxes to the current tax year.

Income Deferral

This method involves delaying the receipt of income to a later tax year, thereby reducing taxable income in the current year. Small business owners or individuals might choose to postpone invoicing clients, deferring bonuses or dividends, or strategically timing the sale of assets to minimize current-year tax liabilities.

Expense Acceleration

Conversely, expense acceleration involves bringing forward deductible expenses into the current tax year to reduce taxable income. Small business owners might prepay certain expenses, purchase necessary equipment or supplies, or settle outstanding bills before the end of the tax year to maximize deductions and lower their tax bill.

4 Methods of Tax planning

Tax planning methods can be classified based on their focus, duration, and approach. While short-term and long-term tax planning strategies address immediate and future tax liabilities, respectively, the other two methods can be classified based on their approach and objectives:

Short-term Tax Planning

At the end of each fiscal year, small business owners and individual taxpayers engage in short-term tax planning to swiftly identify and capitalize on available tax savings opportunities. This approach aims to limit immediate tax liability without necessitating long-term investment commitments. Strategies include maximizing deductions, deferring income, and utilizing tax credits applicable for the current tax year.

Long-term Tax Planning

For future financial years, long-term tax planning becomes imperative. This strategy involves making thoughtful investment commitments that consistently reduce taxable income over an extended period. Small business owners and individual taxpayers often invest in tax-advantaged vehicles such as life insurance or retirement accounts to secure ongoing tax benefits. Long-term planning necessitates aligning financial goals with tax-efficient investment choices.

Permissive Tax Planning

Permissive tax planning revolves around leveraging tax-saving instruments and vehicles permitted under prevailing tax laws. Small business owners and individual taxpayers strategically utilize deductions, exemptions, contributions, and incentives provided by tax regulations to minimize tax liabilities. This method requires a meticulous understanding of applicable tax provisions and careful selection of permissible tax-saving strategies.

Read Next: The Top Success Tax planning Tips for Taxpayers in Kenya.

Purposive Tax Planning

Purposive tax planning is driven by specific financial objectives. Small business owners and individual taxpayers select tax-saving instruments that align with their overarching goals. This strategic approach involves asset replacement, income diversification, and investment selection tailored to achieve desired financial outcomes while simultaneously optimizing tax efficiency. Purposive planning requires a holistic understanding of both financial and tax considerations to successfully navigate toward targeted objectives.

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