4 Best Tips for Successful Self-Publishing in Kenya

self publishing in Kenya services at Xania online book store

Are you a first-time author wondering how self-publishing works in Kenya?

Self-publishing has become an increasingly popular option for independent authors looking to take control of their publishing journey. With the rise of digital publishing platforms and print-on-demand services, self-publishing is more accessible than ever before. However, navigating the self-publishing landscape can be daunting, with many decisions to make and steps to follow. 

In this ultimate guide, we will cover everything you need to know to successfully self-publish your book in Kenya using Xania and achieve your publishing goals.

Preparing Your Manuscript

The first step in self-publishing is to ensure that your manuscript is polished and ready for publication. Xania recommends and offers some assistance in editing your manuscript, it includes:

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  1.  Editing and Proofreading: work with a professional editor to refine your manuscript and eliminate errors. Consider hiring a freelance proofreader to catch any remaining typos or grammatical mistakes. This is crucial for all your self-published books to maintain high quality.
  2. Formatting: Format your manuscript to match industry standards to ensure readability and navigation. Consistent formatting for headings, paragraphs, and page breaks is crucial for digital publishing and print versions.
  3. Cover Design: Invest in a professional cover design that accurately represents your book’s genre and content. An eye-catching cover is essential for attracting potential readers and standing out among other self-published books.
  4. ISBN and Copyright: Obtain an ISBN (International Standard Book Number) for your book and register your copyright to protect your intellectual property. 

Choose a Publishing Platform

There are several self-publishing platforms available in Kenya. They include Xania, Kindle, and Apple books Among others. Each has its pros and cons as explained below.

  1. Xania: Offers comprehensive self-publishing features, high-quality printing, and extensive distribution networks, specially tailored for authors in Kenya and Africa.
  2. Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP): Offers both ebook and print-on-demand services with a wide reach and ease of use. It’s a top choice for many independent authors.
  3. Barnes & Noble Press: Focuses on ebook and print-on-demand publishing, ideal for reaching U.S. readers. This platform is beneficial for authors seeking alternative self-publishing options.
  4. Apple Books: Allows for ebook and audiobook publishing, targeting readers who use Apple devices. A great option for authors looking to expand their digital publishing efforts.
  5. Kobo Writing Life: Offers ebook and print-on-demand services, especially popular in Canada and internationally. This platform helps self-published authors reach a global audience.
  6. IngramSpark: Provides print-on-demand and ebook distribution to a wide range of retailers and libraries. It’s perfect for authors aiming for extensive distribution.

Consider factors such as distribution reach, royalty rates, and ease of use when choosing a platform. Publishing on multiple platforms can help you reach a broader audience and maximize your self-publishing success.

Pricing and Royalties

Setting your book price is a key decision determining the money you will make. When setting your price, consider your target audience, book length, and the prices of similar books in your genre. Generally, ebooks are priced lower than print books, ranging from $2.99 to $9.99.

Royalty rates vary by platform and book price. Most platforms offer royalty rates of 30-70% for ebooks and 10-80% for print books. Understanding each platform’s royalty structure is important before making a decision.

Marketing and Promotion

Your book sales will depend on your marketing efforts. Effective book marketing strategies combine both traditional and digital media such as Facebook posts. Launch events as well as blog posting. Below are the best book marketing ideas according to the leading self-publisher Xania. 

  1. Social Media: Engage with readers and promote your book on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Share excerpts, behind-the-scenes content, and updates about your writing process.
  2. Book Blog Tours: Participate in book blog tours to guest post on other authors’ blogs and share your book with their readers. This strategy helps you reach a wider audience and build relationships with other authors.
  3. Book Giveaways: Run giveaways on your website or social media to generate interest and build your email list. This is an effective way to attract potential readers to your self-published books.
  4. Book Trailers: Create a book trailer showcasing your book’s content and style. Share it on your website and social media to attract potential readers. This can be a unique aspect of your book marketing strategies.
  5. Email Marketing: Build an email list and send regular updates about your writing, events, and promotions. Use email marketing to drive sales and build reader loyalty.
  6. Book Signings and Events: Organize “book launch: events at local bookstores and libraries to connect with readers in person. These events can help you build a local following and generate word-of-mouth buzz about your book.
  7. Book Reviews: Encourage readers to leave reviews on platforms like Xania to boost visibility and credibility. Positive reviews are crucial for self-published books to gain traction.

 Audiobook Publishing

In the current digital age, where Millennials and Gen Zers are the dominant readers, audiobook publishing has emerged as a powerful tool for authors to reach their target audience. 

These tech-savvy generations, who have grown up with smartphones and digital devices, are increasingly turning to audiobooks as their preferred format for consuming content. Audiobooks offer a convenient and immersive experience that aligns with the on-the-go lifestyles of Millennials and Gen Zers, allowing them to multitask while enjoying their favorite books. Moreover, the intimate experience of hearing an author narrate their work creates a stronger emotional connection and resonates with these generations who value authenticity and personal connections. By embracing audiobook publishing, authors can tap into the growing popularity of this format, expand their reach, and engage with a wider audience that may not be as inclined toward traditional print books. 

Audiobooks also provide accessibility to those with visual impairments or busy schedules, making books more inclusive and available to a diverse readership. As the publishing industry continues to evolve, audiobook publishing presents a compelling opportunity for authors to adapt to the preferences of Millennials and Gen Zers, ensuring their works remain relevant and accessible in the digital age.

If you choose self-publishing, consider the following 4 tips for audiobook publishing from Xania.

  • Choose the Right Narrator: Hire a professional narrator who can bring your characters to life. Listen to samples and choose a voice that matches your book’s tone.
  •  Provide Clear Instructions: Give your narrator clear instructions about pronunciation, character voices, and specific requirements.
  •  Review the Recording: Listen carefully and provide feedback to ensure the recording matches your vision and is error-free.
  • Market Your Audiobook: Promote your audiobook on your website and social media. Offer a free sample chapter to attract listeners.


Self-publishing can be a rewarding and empowering experience for independent authors willing to put in the work. By following these tips and strategies, you can successfully self-publish your book and achieve your publishing goals. Stay focused, persistent, and open to learning and adapting as you navigate the self-publishing landscape. Good luck on your publishing journey!

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